We Frame Paintings, Works on Paper, Needlework, Posters, Medals and Other Objects
Full-service quality custom picture framing is done right here in our shop. Choose from a large selection of frame options—all kinds of colors, materials, sizes, and enhancers are available, as well as many options for matting—from pH-neutral to 100% rag, in various colors and even some fancy textures. We usually recommend Conservation Clear glass, but also have regular and nonglare glass.
Bring your artwork in so we can take measurements, try some combinations, and figure out how best to showcase it.
We have pre-made frames on the floor – not a huge selection, but new pieces are added continually and you may find something that suits your needs. We also try to keep glaziers points, packages of wire and screws for attaching wires to your pieces at home, and a few other DIY items on hand in our Art Supply Section.